Organizations Dedicated to Animal Conservation Worth Knowing About

Organizations dedicated to animal conservation

Here we highlight some incredible organizations dedicated to animal conservation all over the globe! We just want to help you figure out where to put your money and time to help animals.

If you are interested in knowing about companies that contribute part of their profits to some of these conservation organizations, you can read about them here and support good brands that help the animals!

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

The WWF Logo. An organization dedicated to animal conservation.

The WWF is one of the largest and most well-known conservation organizations. It works to protect a wide variety of species, including elephants, tigers, rhinos, and gorillas, as well as their habitats.

WWF works to help local communities conserve the natural resources they depend upon; transform markets and policies toward sustainability; and protect and restore species and their habitats. Our efforts ensure that the value of nature is reflected in decision-making from a local to a global scale.

World Wildlife Fund.

They have been at work for over 60 years and work in almost 100 countries. They work hand in hand with communities to fulfill goals focused on six ambitious areas:

  • Climate
  • Food
  • Forest
  • Freshwater
  • Oceans
  • Wildlife

When talking about organizations dedicated to animal conservation, you’ll definitely hear of them! You can see ways to join their amazing efforts by clicking here.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Wildlife Conservation Society logo

Another big leaguer that works to protect a wide range of species and their habitats is The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). It has existed since 1895, making it one of the oldest Conservation entities!

WCS’s goal is to conserve the world’s largest wild places in 14 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world’s biodiversity.

Wildlife Conservation Society

When the WCS opened all those years ago, it had three objectives: to open a zoological park, to promote the study of zoology, and to preserve wildlife. But now, their reach and impact have become so much more than that. Now, you can find them working with governments; reintroducing endangered species; doubling the range of protected areas across the globe; among so many other things!

To know the details of everything they’ve done in their 125+ years, you can head here!

If you want to help them aid the animals, go to their website and leave a donation. In case you want to collaborate with something other than money see all the options they have for you.

The Jane Goodall Institute

Jane Goodall Institute logo. An organization dedicated to the conservation of primates.

The Jane Goodall Institute is dedicated to the conservation of chimpanzees and their habitats, as well as the protection of other primates and the environment. They work in many countries worldwide and have several programs, including research, conservation, and education.

A breakthrough approach to species conservation that improves the lives of people, animals and the environment by honoring their connectedness to each other.

The Jane Goodall Institute

They have over 3.4 million acres of habitat covered under conservation action plans. 130 communities involved in programs led by the organization. 290 chimpanzees and gorillas receive care because of their advocacy. And 179 people trained in forest technology.

The Gombe Stream Research Center, founded in 1965, is the site of the most prolonged field research on chimpanzees. It continues to be a top-notch research facility that employs state-of-the-art techniques to promote groundbreaking scientific research, protect wildlife, educate Tanzanian researchers, and expand the long-standing primate research and inquiry initiated by Dr. Jane Goodall. So far, 482 scientific papers and graduate thesis have been published through this research center.

We could go on and on about the amazing results they have been able to achieve with their efforts in favor of the primates’ conservation, but you can read all about it here. To figure out how to get involved in such incredible work, go here!

The Sea Turtle Conservancy

Sea Turtle Conservancy logo. An organization dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles.

The Sea Turtle Conservancy (STC) focuses on the conservation of sea turtles. They work to protect sea turtle nesting beaches, reduce bycatch in fishing gear, and raise awareness about the importance of sea turtle conservation.

It is the mission of the Sea Turtle Conservancy to ensure the survival of sea turtles within the Caribbean, Atlantic, and Pacific through research, education, training, advocacy, and protection of the natural habitats upon which they depend.

The Sea Turtle Conservancy

The STC is the world’s oldest sea turtle research and conservation group. It’s an international nonprofit. It was founded in 1959 by Dr. Archie Carr a world-renowned sea turtle expert. The plan was to save sea turtles from eminent extinction through rigorous science-based conservation.

They mainly rely on research, education, and advocacy to protect the natural habitats of the sea turtle populations they conserve. Therefore, so much of what people know about sea turtles and the threats they face is a result of what their research programs have put out over the course of over 60 years.

The organization applies the knowledge from the research programs to carry out the world’s most successful sea turtle protection and recovery programs.

On their website, they have a Turtle Tracker. It allows you to see regularly updated maps that show the migratory movements of endangered sea turtles. All thanks to satellite tracking!

To support their efforts, go here!

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

IUCN Logo. An organization that assesses conservation status of species.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a global environmental organization with a science-led approach, that assesses the conservation status of species and develops strategies to protect them.

IUCN provides public, private, and non-governmental organizations with the knowledge, tools, and projects that enable societies, economies, and nature to thrive together. These include data, assessments and analysis, trusted standards, neutral convening fora, and capacity-building resources.


When people think about organizations dedicated to animal conservation, the leaders of the IUCN Red List, which can be considered as the primary applied reference for biodiversity conservation, stand as one of the most remarkable options that come to mind.

In summary, the IUCN is a membership Union of government and civil society organizations. They have over 1400 members and are active in over 160 countries.

Altogether, the IUCN has over 70 years of producing authoritative reports, standards, guidelines, and tools to aid conservation! Amazingly, they have published over 3,500 reports.

They have also assessed 142,577 species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This list allows us to know the conservation status of these species, whether they are vulnerable but not endangered, endangered but not critically endangered, etc.

If you resonate with their approach to conservation, you should see all the ways you can get involved!

The Rainforest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance logo.

The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organization that conserves biodiversity and ensures sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices, and consumer behavior.

We are building an alliance to protect forests, improve the livelihoods of farmers and forest communities, promote their human rights, and help them mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis.

The Rainforest Alliance

They contribute to animal conservation by protecting wildlife’s habitat in a sustainable way.

Something that sets them apart is that they provide a free environmental curriculum that goes all the way from kindergarten to high school. One example of one of the lessons in the curriculum mentioned above is:


Key Concept: Regardless of the natural surroundings or the day-to-day conditions in any given place, plants and animals rely on their environment to provide them with the raw materials they need for life and the conditions to live safely and without stress. To protect manatees and loggerheads, we need to protect their homes.

Essential Question: What do manatees and loggerhead turtles have in common with you and your neighborhood?

Environmental Curriculum, The Rainforest Alliance

That lesson was taken from the first-grade curriculum. As you can see, this work is so important because they are teaching the next generation how to care for the animals and their habitats in such a thoughtful and professional way.

If you want to contribute to their efforts, you can go their page and explore the different options they share.


In conclusion, these are just a few amazing examples of the many organizations dedicated to animal conservation. There are many more organizations working at local, national, and international levels to protect a wide variety of species and their habitats. We will make sure to feature them in a future post!

If you are interested in knowing about companies that contribute part of their profits to some of these conservation organizations, you can read about them here and support good brands that help the animals!

2 responses to “Organizations Dedicated to Animal Conservation Worth Knowing About”

  1. […] species, and their efforts can help to ensure that these animals have a chance to survive, read this post to find out about some of […]

  2. […] these species are at risk of extinction, to know about some organizations dedicated to conservation click here and support the […]