Animal Tracking Bracelet: Why You Should Get One

screenshot of Fahlo's website. The place where you can buy bracelets that track animals.

In recent years, a new trend has emerged in the realm of conservation: bracelets that are not only cute but also support the tracking of real animals in the wild. Companies like Fahlo have pioneered this movement, offering bracelets that allow wearers to connect with wildlife on a deeper level while contributing to conservation efforts. Let’s see what these bracelets are, why people should consider them, and where they can be obtained.

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You might be wondering why you should care about bracelets that track animals. The truth is, as we elaborate further on the post, that these bracelets represent more than just fashion accessories—they’re tools for conservation. Animals play a crucial role in ecosystems, and their survival is intricately linked to our own. By supporting initiatives like an animal tracking bracelet, we contribute to the preservation of biodiversity and the health of our planet.

Reading about bracelets that track animals is also getting to know the impact of human actions on wildlife conservation. As we learn more about the species we’re tracking and the organizations dedicated to their conservation, we gain insight into the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. This knowledge is essential for shaping a sustainable future for generations to come.

If you want to dive deeper into how to help the animals, consider checking out these blog posts:

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What is an Animal Tracking Bracelet?

screenshot of Fahlo's website. The place where you can buy bracelets that track animals (Animal tracking bracelet).
Screenshot of Fahlo’s website. The place where you can buy bracelets that track animals.

Bracelets that track animals, such as those offered by Fahlo, serve a dual purpose: they look cute, making for a great accessory, while also supporting conservation efforts. Each bracelet is associated with a specific animal species. Also, a portion of the proceeds from their sale is donated to wildlife organizations that track and study these animals for conservation purposes.

How Do Bracelets That Track Animals Work?

When individuals purchase an animal tracking bracelet, they gain access to the tracking data of one animal from the organization that Fahlo has partnered with for that specific species. This data allows wearers to follow the movements of the tracked animal on an interactive map. Revealing insights into its behaviors, habitat use, and conservation status. Additionally, wearers receive exclusive updates, photos, and statistics related to the tracked animal’s journey.

Why Should You Get An Animal Tracking Bracelet?

There are several compelling reasons why individuals should consider purchasing an animal tracking bracelet:

  1. Supporting Conservation: By buying a bracelet, individuals not only get a stylish accessory but also contribute to conservation efforts aimed at protecting endangered species. A portion of the proceeds from each sale goes directly to wildlife organizations engaged in tracking and studying these animals. So by buying one of these bracelets that track animals, you are helping to fund vital research and conservation initiatives.
  2. Connecting with Wildlife: Bracelets that track animals offer wearers a unique opportunity to connect with wildlife in a meaningful way. By following the movements of a real animal, wearers gain insights into its life and behaviors. This helps foster a deeper connection with the natural world and helps people understand the importance of conservation.
  3. Raising Awareness: Wearing a bracelet that tracks animals serves as a conversation starter, allowing wearers to raise awareness about conservation issues and share information about the species they are supporting. By sparking conversations and engaging others in discussions about wildlife conservation, wearers can help amplify conservation messages and inspire positive action.
  4. Educational Value: Bracelets that track animals provide educational opportunities for individuals of all ages. By tracking the movements of real animals and learning about their behaviors and habitats, wearers can deepen their understanding of wildlife ecology and conservation.

Where Can You Buy Bracelets that Track Animals?

Animal tracking bracelets, like those offered by Fahlo, can typically be purchased directly from the company’s website or through authorized retailers. Fahlo’s bracelets come in a variety of styles and designs. Each bracelet represents a different animal species and conservation cause. By browsing Fahlo’s collection, someone can choose a bracelet that aligns with their interests and values. It is amazing to know that their purchase will make a meaningful contribution to wildlife conservation.

Fahlo: the place where you can buy an animal tracking bracelet

Since its inception in 2018, Fahlo has been on a mission to partner with non-profit organizations and create bracelets that not only serve as stylish accessories but also come with the unique ability to track real animals. Their goal is twofold: to raise awareness about wildlife conservation and to generate funds to support the invaluable work of conservation organizations around the world.

Their Track Record

Fahlo’s commitment to conservation is reflected in their partnerships with a diverse array of organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife. From sea turtles to polar bears, Fahlo’s bracelets offer customers the opportunity to connect with wildlife in a whole new way.

One notable example is Fahlo’s collaboration with the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund. This collaboration launched the Traverse Gorilla Bracelet in November 2023. Not only does this bracelet allow customers to track gorillas through their African habitat, but it also contributes to the fund’s efforts to protect endangered gorilla populations and support local communities.

Similarly, the Journey Bracelet, launched in partnership with the Sea Turtle Conservancy in 2019. It has helped raise awareness about the dark future of sea turtles while providing crucial funding for conservation initiatives aimed at their protection.

Fahlo’s Partnerships

Fahlo understands that effective conservation requires collaboration. By teaming up with reputable organizations such as Polar Bears International, Save the Elephants, and the Global Penguin Society, Fahlo ensures that each bracelet sold directly contributes to on-the-ground conservation efforts.

For example, the Odyssey Bracelet, Fahlo’s latest offering launched in June 2023, allows customers to follow the odyssey of dolphins, thanks to a partnership with the FIU Marine Conservation Ecology Lab. This not only educates wearers about marine mammals but also supports research that is essential for their conservation

As Fahlo continues to expand its range of bracelets and partnerships, the impact of its initiative grows ever larger.


In conclusion, bracelets that track animals are a great practical way to support conservation. They allow people to support wildlife conservation efforts in an easy way. With each purchase, you get a beautiful piece of jewelry but also become an active participant in the conservation movement. By purchasing these bracelets, you connect with wildlife, raise awareness about conservation issues, and contribute to the protection of endangered species and their habitats.

In a world where the fate of countless species hangs in the balance, initiatives like Fahlo’s animal tracking bracelets offer a glimmer of hope. By harnessing the power of consumer engagement, Fahlo is proving that conservation can be both effective and fashionable. As we wear our bracelets we also wear our commitment to protecting wildlife and preserving our planet for future generations.

We think you should support companies that care to divest part of their profits to animal non-profits. Fahlo is doing an amazing job at supporting different organizations dedicated to the preservation of incredible and important animal species.

If you care to know about companies, that like Fahlo have initiatives to help the animals check out this post: